Upcoming Events
Get involved!
We hold numerous events throughout the year, including play dates for Greyhounds (and Galgos), Meet & Greets, and board meetings, among other things! Check out the full list of events below, or use the calendar to see an overview by month.
We always need volunteers for our events, especially play dates. If you’re interested in volunteering your time, please contact volunteernw@gpa-nw.org!
Filter Events
February Board of Directors Meeting
Open to all GPA Northwest members/adopters.
Please check here before attending for any change in day, time, location.
Location: Amanda Sotelo’s Home for board members; call-in information to be provided for everyone else.
March Board of Directors Meeting
Open to all GPA Northwest members/adopters.
Please check here before attending for any change in day, time, location.
Location: TBD
April Board of Directors Meeting
Open to all GPA Northwest members/adopters.
Please check here before attending for any change in day, time, location.
Location: TBD
May Board of Directors Meeting
Open to all GPA Northwest members/adopters.
Please check here before attending for any change in day, time, location.
Location: TBD
June Board of Directors Meeting
Open to all GPA Northwest members/adopters.
Please check here before attending for any change in day, time, location.
Location: TBD
July Board of Directors Meeting
Open to all GPA Northwest members/adopters.
Please check here before attending for any change in day, time, location.
Location: TBD
August Board of Directors Meeting
Open to all GPA Northwest members/adopters.
Please check here before attending for any change in day, time, location.
Location: TBD
September Board of Directors Meeting
Open to all GPA Northwest members/adopters.
Please check here before attending for any change in day, time, location.
Location: Virtual/Phone Meeting — Call-in details TBD.
October Board of Directors Meeting
Open to all GPA Northwest members/adopters.
Please check here before attending for any change in day, time, location.
Location: TBD
Annual Meeting
We would love you to join us for our Annual Meeting.
Location and meeting details TBD
What’s on the meeting agenda?
A short overview of the year's achievements, challenges, adoptions, and activities.
Gathering feedback on this year’s activities and input on plans for 2026.
A ballot election for the 2026 board of directors. Board members serve one-year terms of office, though they can serve consecutive one-year terms if elected.
Interested in being considered for the board next year? Email jvchandler@frontier.com for more information or to express you interest.